Learn to Drive in Stoke on Trent – Show Me Tell Me Questions

If you want to learn to drive in Stoke on Trent you will need to learn what are know as ‘show me tell me’ questions.  When you are learning to drive, your driving instructor, at some point, will talk to you about these Show Me Tell Me questions. They will normally incorporate them into your driving lessons, but you will need to do a little bit of studying yourself to learn all of the questions.

What are Show Me Tell Me questions, and when will they be asked?

Show Me Tell Me questions were introduced into the UK driving test to help learners understand the use of the cars ancillary controls, and to help them make basic maintenance checks related to the car. The subjects covered by these questions are things that you really need to know if you want to be driving, and will help you to perform basic maintenance checks to keep you and you car safely on the road. At the start of your driving test you will be asked 2 of these show me tell me questions.

What if I don’t know the answer, or get the question wrong?

The answers don’t need to be word perfect, or textbook answers. All the examiner is looking for, is that you have a general knowledge, and have a reasonable idea about what has been asked. However, if you do answer the question entirely wrong, or can’t give an answer, 1 driving (minor) fault will be recorded on your driving test report for each question answered incorrectly. So you could end up with 2 driving faults before you’ve even started to drive!

So, what questions could I be asked?

There are 19 questions that the driving test examiner may ask you. It’s important to listen to what they ask of you, and whether they want you to physically do something or whether they just want you to explain something to them. Below is a list of all the questions you may be asked. Click on the question to view our post with an instructional video, full guidance with the answers and reasons you would need to do the checks:

– Show me how you would check that the direction indicators are working.

– Show me how you would check that the brake lights are working on this car. (I can assist you, if you need to switch the ignition on, please don’t start the engine).

– Show me / explain how you would check that the power assisted steering is working before starting a journey.

– Show me how you would check the parking brake (handbrake) for excessive wear, make sure you keep safe control of the vehicle.

– (Show me) Open the bonnet, identify where you would check the engine oil level and tell me how you would check that the engine has sufficient oil.

– (Show me) Open the bonnet, identify where you would check the engine coolant level and tell me how you would check that the engine has the correct level.

– (Show me) Open the bonnet, identify where the brake fluid reservoir is and tell me how you would check that you have a safe level of hydraulic brake fluid.

– Show me how you would check that the horn is working (off road only)

– Show me how you would clean the windscreen using the windscreen washer and wipers.

– Show me how you would set the demister controls to clear all the windows effectively, this should include both front and rear screens.

– Show me how you would switch on the rear fog light(s) and explain when you would use it/them. (No need to exit vehicle)

– Show me how you switch your headlight from dipped to main beam and explain how you would know the main beam is on whilst inside the car.

– Tell me how you would check that the brakes are working before starting a journey.

– Tell Me where the windscreen washer reservoir is and tell me how you would check the windscreen washer level.

– Tell Me where you would find the information for the recommended tyre pressures for this car and how tyre pressures should be checked.

– Tell Me how you make sure your head restraint is correctly adjusted so it provides the best protection in the event of a crash.

– Tell Me how you would check the tyres to ensure that they have sufficient tread depth and that their general condition is safe to use on the road.

– Tell me how you would check that the headlights & tail lights are working. (No need to exit vehicle)

– Tell me how you would know if there was a problem with your anti lock braking system.

For a copy of all the questions and answers visit our learner resources page or visit our YouTube channel

Would you like to learn to drive in Stoke on Trent?

Drive Ahead School of Motoring are based in Stoke on Trent and offer great driving lessons at competitive prices with free online theory training.  You will benefit from the most modern teaching techniques helping you to pass your test faster and become a safer drive.

Call us today on 01782 906010 to book your first lesson!